
mercoledì 3 giugno 2009

something old, something blue, something new and something borrowed

no! im not getting married or something.. i havent meet anderson yet, so no, the wedding is still far much from here.

i loooove things that old.. old, old, old and vintage.
old people and old stuffs.
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*my granpop and his little brother*

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*images from flickr*

old camera, oh cute god i love vintage camera and cant get enough of them, well, i basically love camera and cant get enough of them. i el-ow-vee-ee passer baroe or one of jakarta's loveliest thrift markets. this is the place where i can find lot of old cameras, cheap camera equipments and films, those means that "mom, drive me to passer baroe and dont forget to loads your wallet with rupiahs!". i also heart those jalan sabang's photo shops, yeah, because they sell many many many like maaaany old cameras!
do i love photography? oh yes cute god i do, but its just because i love camera..
one day when my mood is all good i'll take pictures of all my cameras, post it here, showing it off and gain loads of jealous comments. heehee.. whatever! and i'll do that SOON!

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*for cassie baker, with love, but it isnt finish yet, am too lazy ;p*

5 commenti:

elena-lu ha detto...

beautiful photos love the focus and use of light on both!

Indy ha detto...

I love cute old men...they are just so CUTE!

Can't wait to see your camera!

How To Eat A Cupcake ha detto...

Ahh I love it so far! It's so cute. I really with I could just step into it and start baking! :D

kayleigh ha detto...

these pics are awesome

cris ha detto...

! :) i heart old people! :)