
mercoledì 29 ottobre 2008

sweet child o mine!

went to local mall near my house with family and and and.. have i told you that one of my favorite places is toy store.. o yeah sister i love it so much!
i wish i could buy all the things there (the girl section only!!).. my cousins (a 14 months old boy and a 5 year old girl) from england came to indonesia months ago and they are heading back to england tomorrow. since i was my mom's only one little girl and now im not a little girl anymore.. she'd buy anything in the toy store for this little girl cousin of mine..
mom bought her a cooking play set and the dinner set with an agreement of that she'll leave the toys here in indonesia and my mom will keep it for her so when she come back here again after few years she cand play with it.

these are few picture of me in the toy store..Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by ImageShack.us
ahhh.. these bags are actually a case for toys but i would love to have it as my purse.. can i can i can i mom!??!
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and then we were playing in 'a park in a mall'?? i dont know how to describe it!
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and look what i wore.. the dress is actually my winter uniform (you know.. the dress you always wear in a winter..??) and i threw a sweater over it..cos it was a rainy day..
the dress and the sweater definitely didnt suit me good..

2 commenti:

CARRASIMA ha detto...

tau ngga,,,tau ngga,,,,
disuruh nyembah2 juga mau,
asal boleh selalu dekat dengan mereka,
taulah kan,,,,
selain kalian bertiga,
maka mereka berlima adalah bagian dari kehidupan mama,,,,
i love you more than anything,,,

evita nuh ha detto...

waahh mall mana tuh kak? nama tokonya apa? lucu2 barangnya!