
sabato 2 maggio 2009

i think indonesia has the ugliest people and oh yeah, including me!

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so not in the mood for blogging, blog walking and any other blog kinda thing.. all im up to is working my ass off and get me an instant back for my brand new mr.pink diana f+..oh yeah, people! i now posessing
a pink diana f+ which i named dayanara, what a sexy name, isnt it?!
i bought it only so i can produce a super gorgeous instant diana shots.. search for 'diana f+ instant back' on google and you'll find a lomo porn and for the pink diana f+ itself..oh dear, its a lomo burlesque!!! its the dita of lomo world..
beeteedoubleu (read: btw) does having 3 lomos is a waste?

8 commenti:

Gricia (Cia) ha detto...

hi..g jg punya diana,yg biru item itu..udh pny setaon tp jarang pake..hadia dr tmn gt..gk ngerti pakeny!dr 1 roll paling cm 3 lmbr yg jd..sisany gelap..mo blajar donkk

Seeker ha detto...

Dear, aren't you being too hard????

I hope you're now in a better mood.

Everybody is beautiful!!!!!!


karl's sweet child ha detto...

@ the seeker: thanks for your lovely comment and yeah I think I'm a bit too rude with the title.. But now I feel so 'bleh' with the indonesians..so sorry for the indonesians who reads this..

Anonimo ha detto...

noooooooooo!!! indonesia has the most gorgeous people. exotis2 gmana gitu.. seksi.. kakak cantik, manis, sopo sing bilang kak ayu juelek? jenenge ayu, orang ne juga ayu

Charmaine ha detto...

ahh i want a lomo! haha you're making a collection :D

Jack Daniel ha detto...

my sister has the same camera! Oh and Indonesia has very beautiful people...I see a lot of cute girls in Amsterdam with Indonesian roots!

mr dandiy show ha detto...

blog walking

avputries ha detto...
