i dream of marrying anderson, live in milan and work as a photographer. and i know i can make it real, if i tried of course and im trying, im walking my way toward those dreams.
for smallie-ollie, i dream of these things

1. pair of louboutin, i think every woman should have at least pair of louboutin once in our life, well, for me.. i dream of a closet full of louboutins :P
2. KitchenAid standing mixer, the pink one please??? sigh, i think i should sell cupcakes first so that i could buy it by myself :( :(
3. leica rangefinder camera, leica is effin-smokin-expensive and $5495 for a manual camera is too much for me, no one would buy it for me :( i should work my as* off of course, orrrrr.. well, im thinking about another cheaper brand actually, second hand and vintage..any idea? so far its effin-rangefinder
and for cupcakes porn..

3 dozens of mini chocolate cupcakes with cherry frosting, peanut butter frosting and chocolate frosting, 3 DOZENS!
still sitting nicely in my kitchen, waiting to be eaten and sadly, no one want them :(
not because it isnt nice, (i could give you my head and assure you that those aaaaarree gooood, especially the peanut butter ones, though the chocolate ones is only 'fine' and the cherry ones is good if you like maraschino cherry (well, i do!))
its just my family thing, they always think that my baked goodies are YUCK!
8 commenti:
wow. really great pics. do i have to use a kick ass camera so i can take pics as great as yours? cant i use my camera phone instead?
dont you have a chatbox?
oh, i followed your blog anyway, fyi..:D
xchange link?
I NEED those cupcakes!!
What kind of cam, do you use? Your pictures are BAD ASS!!!
i have a kitchen aid (dark green) and I don't know how anyone could survive without one. (my mother is an amazing baker) those cupcakes make me drool. I'd gladly take them off your hands....
Great pictures!!!
Always making me want those cupcakes... ;)
i bleed pink: i use nikon d300 and that a bad ass camera for sure!! :D
Those cupcakes look delish! And I like the photos on your blog, very nice :)
that mixer looks familiar.. oh wait, i have one! but mine is soft yellow. :)
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